Galen's Enchanted Emporium Mac OS

broken image

The Enchanted Emporium, Sheerness. 114 likes 3 talking about this. Welcome to my online shop selling all things mystical, magical and enchanting. Enchanted Emporium. A local group that offers a selection of goods for both the practical geek and the collector geek. Hand painted switch plates, crocheted fandom related buddies, hand. Welcome to The Enchanted Emporium; a place filled with serenity, magic, laughter, knowledge, friends, growth and peace. It is here where you will find an array of things the Earth has to offer from Crystals, Minerals, Hand Wrapped Jewelry and other Metaphysical.

Quick Facts


Handgun hoedown mac os. She must renovate and maintain the cottage as a Runesmithing Emporium Taking on the name Evie, she is thrust into a world of magic and monsters, using magical crafting to make her way across the land to save the missing Runesmith.

Comment by 10029

It appears to be 75 horde rep not 50.

Comment by Cowbell

Also +75 Alliance rep.

Comment by azunai

Before talking with Galen and starting the quest, I suggest you to clear all mobs around because this idiot NPC directly runs into them and pulls all :P
Have fun!

Comment by 14782

The strongbox can be found at 48,40.
Covered in level 39 crocolisks. Bit of a pain if you solo this quest early.

Comment by shelf

He's extremely squishy and not healable and a retard.
edit: taking on two casters is super hard.

Comment by 27922

Galen the nub just pulled 5 onto me -.-
edit: 'I'm glad you're here! Because I need your help!!'

Comment by 17974

If you clear out all the imp mobs and control the runners it's not SO bad. but yeah, he's an idiot.

Comment by 39058

Just as an FYI ~ clearing all the mobs you think are in the way isn't good enough ~ after thinking I cleared the mobs I died a sad sad death ~ not realizing I couldn't heal the little jerk.
Now since I had the mobs KILL ME I know where to clear them from. Wish me luck!
edit - this is literally 20 seconds later . . do NOT rez where you died ~ it takes less than 10 seconds for them to wipe out a lvl 41 druid LOL
edit - ok done finally ~ just kept dying and each time I'd killed more so not many to get rid of ~ DRUIDS use BEAR form or DIRE BEAR ~ escorting aggros (after the initial 6 or 7) about 5 mobs along the way.

Comment by 46794

TIP: Whilst doing this quest, clear the 4-5 Warlock mobs, the 3-4 HUGE mobs(forget their names) and around 5-6 crocs and hunters down the river, and DO NOT LOOT them. Doing this will cause a much longer respawn time, just loot as you run by, completed this quest first time on a 40 hunter.

Comment by Napolie

Fun fact is that 'Galen' Means Mad in Swedish wich may explain his somewhat strange behavior

Comment by Thottbot

Yeah, goofball runs off and aggros every imp in there.
Thin out the camp first if you are on your own.

Galen's Enchanted Emporium Mac Os Catalina


Comment by Thottbot

solo'd at level 40 took the time to clear the camp FIRST then take quest. Walked out completely unhindered.

Comment by Thottbot

If you want the cords they are 47, 39. that is where the chest is.

Comment by Thottbot

I was following him, after I cleared the camp and he disappeared, walked the path to his camp, but there was no sign of him. Anyone else have this issue?

Comment by Thottbot

I had the same problem! I cleared out the camp, at least near his cage. We got attacked by a crocolisk, & as soon as I killed it he vanished. Can't find him anywhere, & I still have the quest (not failed, like the first time I tried & let him die).

Comment by Thottbot

Be sure to thin out the campsite first. I let him die and now I've been sitting around for near an hour waiting for him to pop. Meanwhile I've thinned the camp several times already. they respawn very quickly.

Comment by Thottbot

Camp is exactly at 47,39

Comment by Thottbot

He respawned after a few minutes.

Comment by Thottbot

Did this as a level 38 hunter. It was a bit hairy clearing out the first camp with all the casters in the area, and they hurt. Definitely clear out first though. he has almost no armor.
Couple of notes-
1) He doesn't walk all the way to his camp. He fades out after getting through most of the area.
2) To finish the quest you just have to go open his lockbox at his camp.
3) His camp is infested with level 37-39 things. so be prepared to spend a bit cleaning out the camp.
4) If you fail the quest. ABANDON it to get him to respawn. He'll spawn again within a minute if you abandon the quest.

Comment by Thottbot

Be careful of the rift beacons when you are fighting through the camp
you may notice a magic cast on your from the riftseekers. It will summon two mobs so keep an eye on this, so that you're ready to kill them when they arrive.
They have low HP, but if you're in the middle of a fight it gets hairy.
Died using my 42 Mage.

Comment by Thottbot

have searched the swamp north of stonard and can't find anything but beasts

Comment by Thottbot

It is infact north of Stonard put your back to stonard and walk north and you'll see billowing smoke, the lock box is there but 4 gators and a cat guard it so be ready.

Comment by Thottbot

The quest begins at 65,18 where you release Galen from a cage. You will escort him south, so clear the mobs directy south of the cage before starting the quest. After walking south to the waters edge he will tell you find his strongbox located at his camp at 47,39 -then Galen disappears. The camp is marked by a tent and a smoking fire pit guarded by a few jaguars and crocs. Open the the strongbox to complete the quest.

Comment by Thottbot

Followed the directions from above, exact.

Comment by Thottbot

Thats exactly what I wanna know! I dont have any mods or anything like that, so co-ords are useless to me.
Can someone show where it is on the map?

Comment by Thottbot

After completing the escort quest, he will direct you to his camp north of Stonard. This is where the camp is. Hope this helps. :)

Comment by Thottbot

To find him follow the north road (there are only two in the swamp) and go to the very BACK of the Fallow Sanctuary village (nice place. lots of guys with glowing eyes, foul breath, and irradiated giants).
Galen's stuck in a cage, calling for help. He wants you to help his escape.
Of course once he's out he runs through the thickest group of MOBs he can find. He aggro'd 6 guys my first try. Everytime I tried to pull them off, he'd go and attack another, pulling a few more. I couldn't heal him (L45 Pali) or buff him. so let him die, abandoned quest, started again within minutes.
So. how to make it easy? Clear first couple camps on south side of road (7-8 mobs, all varieties). Be quick b/c they respawn quickly. After that he'll finally get smarter and head down by the water. Now you contend with crocolisks, the occasional Fallow (couple of the big ones too), but no more camps. He hits the road and walks rest of the way out (watch out for wandering Horde 'explorers' in area).
Once out of camp, he thanks you, tells you where to find his camp, the disappears into the swamp. To turn in quest, go to his camp (see screen shots above) and find his lockbox.
Good luck.
L45 Dw Pali, Wildhammer

Comment by Thottbot

found his lockbox but it says its covered with grime

Comment by Thottbot

Just solo'd it at level 38 mage. yeah he does run threw every lock the and there imps pretty much terr you apart. just keep close

Comment by Allakhazam

I was actually too high, the quest was green at lv42. But still it was a nice reward - 2850 exp, Alliance reputation increased by 50, 85s plus a shield which you can sell for 62s or disenchant for around 1g. Unlike what other people have said, it's definatly worth your while.

Comment by Allakhazam

For those of us who dont have cosmos or whatever:
Looking at me map, from Stonard, follow the letter R (from the word stonard) directly north. The island north of the R is where the tent is. It doesn't show anything on the map. Once you get close enough you'll see the tent and smoke. Hope this helps more than the other posts helped me.
Edited, Feb 28th 2007 8:29pm by riskicow

Comment by Allakhazam

whoever came up with this quest and programmed the NPC's path is either an absolute retard or sadistic a-hole.
really not worth it

Comment by Allakhazam

Like all escort quests, this one is stupid. Galen chooses to tromp right through the Lost One camp rather than, oh, going *around* it. Don't attempt without either a group (hard to come by in SoS) or numerous excess levels.

Comment by Allakhazam

Galen's Camp is directly north of Stonard between Stonard and the norhtern most path. It's hard to see. Head a little sw from where Golen leaves you.

Comment by Allakhazam

To be more precise, the coordinates of Galen's Strongbox is 47,39.
Edited, Sat Feb 5 00:21:22 2005

Comment by Allakhazam

Make sure to clear all those forgotten ones at the closest camp (Warlocks with imps), they will all aggro if you do not, and if you do this quest around the proper level, you are very likely to die from them.

Comment by Allakhazam

Solo'd as a 37 Mage. I didn't know which way he'd path, so failed the first time, had to run away and reset, but after that, cleared out the camp first before initiating the quest, then follow him around, never had more than two at a time. On a side note though, he doesn't stop before charging into more mobs, so bring some potions with you if you're going to do it solo.

Comment by Allakhazam

I do agree that the mobs are quite easy, but Galen kept switching targets, agroing and adding more and more mobs. At one point he drew 8 mobs to me and it was. 'interesting.'

Comment by Allakhazam

The best way to do this quest is to clear out some of the Lost Ones ahead of time. The most notable camp to clear is the one to the southwest of Galen (which generally has 2 seers and pets, and several other Lost Ones). After this camp, most of the Lost Ones that attack will be encountered singly, two at most.
The more annoying part of this quest, I felt, was that Galen (obviously, as he's just been locked up) doesn't give you the reward. You have to go hunt down his campsite north of Stronar and open a chest to recieve both the exp and the item.

Comment by Allakhazam

completed at lv40 hunter, really not all that difficult, as soon as I see the word 'escort,' i knew he was going to do something stupid like walking all up into the camp, which he did; so i save myself, and his trouble, but cleaning the camp BEFORE i talked with him. He did aggroed some crocolisks to the south side of the camp, other than that, it was a breeze.

Comment by Allakhazam

yeah i tried this as a 41 druid and almost died, had to do a quick natures swiftness or i wouldnt have made it out alive, i cleared most of the mobs beforehand as well but he pulls so dam many, i suggest u clear as many as u can and go in a big group

Comment by Allakhazam

The trouble I have isn't actually the quest. It's where the heck is his camp.

Comment by Allakhazam

The lockbox is at Galen's camp. You have to find it after you escort him. The camp is difficult to see. It is a small tent with smoke coming out of it.
It is on the larger of two islands north of Stonard, on the northern side of the island.

Enchanted Emporium Book

Comment by Allakhazam

did this quest solo lvl 40 Rogue, he is in a cage at the end of the Fallow Sanctuary which is at the end of the northern road in swamp of sorrows. My suggestion is too clear the camp closest to him especially too guys with stupid demons , the guy sucks he walks into the middle of it, i first thought he was gonna rescue the tiger in cage or something but no hes just an idiot, he will pretty much stick to the outer part after that but still kill things quickly if poss since he will die (dumb mother f)
afterwards to find his lame camp its on the island north of stonard for those with no cords basically head north of the R in stonard and u will find it on isleand just north of their

Comment by Allakhazam

His camp is at 47 , 39 standing on the lockbox

Comment by Allakhazam

47, 39 galen's strongbox.

Comment by Allakhazam

Like OOKami said, best way is to clear the camp first.
Funny thing is, we happened on this quest, killing (had 37 hunter, 38 druid and 39 hunter), and did the quest. We were en route to get the Pristine Crawler Legs for the Dustwallow Marsh quest.
So, even though it was easy to do, since the camp was pre-cleared, we had no idea where to do the turn in lol.
So, to help u find it, at the Very first FORK in the road, head NORTH, toward Fallow Sancuary.

Comment by Allakhazam

Well worth it when you come across a solid chest and find Ring of the Underwood

Comment by Allakhazam

Yeah I definitely can't find his camp, 'The swamp North of Stonard'.
Yeah thats nowhere to be seen considering the whole damn map is a swamp.
Anyone can help out with this?

Comment by Allakhazam

cash the reward at 47,39

Comment by Allakhazam

Ok here's the skinny, if you want a quick quest this ain't it, keeping this dude alive is gonna take some work, first off clearing the camp around him is a must. yes the moron walks right into the mobs while screaming 'help, me I'm under attack' (hell if I could I'd have killed him myself right then and there), but after that the pulls he has are a bit more managable. If you don't need to then don't, at this level you can get a better shield, Aegis of the Scarlet Commander for example. Overall its your choice, but do the work beforehand or you will fail.

Comment by Allakhazam

This quest is lame. HOrrible rewards and treasure and a pain in the a*s! Skip it!, especially if you're going to solo! And kill the WHOLE entire village first, otherwise the idiot NPC will engage them all and get you killed!

Comment by Allakhazam

What in the name of Yorgen are you fellas whining about? This quest is as easy as it gets.
The camp was literaly swarming with lost ones but as max I got 1 lost one and 1 lvl 39 crock on me.
Not even my pet suffered a death.
I soloed the quest and I'm a level 36 hunter. No problem at all.
Either all you guys just were unlucky or they have modified this quest on some patch.
Originaly I wouldnt do escort quests since the NPC:s are both slow and stupid but I figured id do this since I was grinding anyway.
No problem at all, so all you people who read this don't overestimate this quest.

Comment by Allakhazam

The coord are 48,40

Comment by emmaworld

escort him to 52, 29
complete at 47, 39

Comment by sawier

this guy is dumb just let him rot not worth the exp

Comment by ciddy1

This guy is stupid, takes a ton of damage, and pulls everything. He runs right through the middle of the camps, and a lot of the enemy NPCs in the area have huge aggro ranges anyway (and are casters/runners). Not worth it in my opinion.

Comment by Wimbleton

Classic Leroy Jenkins. He runs into the middle of the camp, aggroes everything in the camp and for about five miles in every direction. There'll be so much stuff flying through the air at you, it will probably damage your video card. Maybe worth doing if the reward was about 10 gold but guess what.?

Comment by Erethzium

This quest REALLY needs to be marked as Elite / Group.
The only way to possibly do it solo is to pre-clear the mobs in the camps right in front of the cages, since he likes to walk directly into the center of them and aggro everything. Clear a good 10-15 mobs and THEN start the escort.

Comment by darylcheshire

Did it on 43 lock, used succy which seduced one human whilst I killed the others or the crocs

Comment by Faent

As someone else has suggested, kill the mobs nearby him before accepting. Namely the small 'town' near his cage as the first place he walks upon accepting this quest is through there and he will pull all 3 - 5 mobs there.
If you kill those, it's fairly easy as you'll only have to deal with 1 mob at a time down by the waterside.
Also, you can't heal him in combat.

Comment by Monkzaro

This mofo pulls everything so make sure you kill them before starting the quest
Escort Galen out of danger, then find his camp in the Swamp of Sorrows and open his strongbox.
Escort Galen out of the Fallow Sanctuary. (1)


Please help! These creatures are going to eat me!
Help me out of here, and I'll give you a great treasure! It's in my camp in the swamp north of Stonard, but it's locked in a strongbox that can be opened through a trick that only I know.
If you help me escape, then I'll teach it to you.


The keyhole of this strongbox is filled with black resin. It is impossible to open.


The keyhole of this strongbox is filled with black resin. It is impossible to open.
But Galen told you of a hidden latch on the box's bottom.
.After a quick search the latch is found. The latch is flipped, and the strongbox opens.


You will receive:
Visionary Buckler


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 50 reputation with Alliance




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Esme Jessup sees dead people.

As if owning an oddities shop wasn't weird enough.

In her opinion, Mondays were for yawning, grumbling, and consuming large amounts of caffeine. Not for belligerent, blustering, redheaded spirits who won't take no for an answer. Too bad ghosts didn't give two figs about her opinion.

When local veterinarian and widower Oswald convinces her to buy a cat made of gilded macaroni, she soon regrets the purchase. Not only because the thing is uglier than a whole-wheat pancake, but because the man's dearly departed wife is attached to it. To make matters worse, the stubborn spirit says her death was no accident. And that the killer is coming after her husband next.

Which means it's up to Esme to save him.

Before it's too late. Shmup/bullet-hell | record blue mac os.

Drunk ghosts are a real pain in the afterlife.

Mostly because they can never seem to remember who murdered them.

Reluctant ghost wrangler and involuntary town eccentric Esme Jessup has priorities, and they don't include babysitting the intoxicated dead. All she wants to do is eat fried, sugary carbs at the annual fall festival. But when she spies a slurring spirit caught in the middle of two spitting-mad knitters, his pitiful plight tugs on her heartstrings. Only when he claims he's been slain by none other than a tiger, she promptly regrets her moment of weakness. Too bad she's an in-for-a-penny-in-for-a-pound kind of gal.

With the help of her boisterous beagle, Luke, Esme must set aside her funnel cake fantasies and stumble headlong into solving the muddled mystery.


Comment by Thottbot

solo'd at level 40 took the time to clear the camp FIRST then take quest. Walked out completely unhindered.

Comment by Thottbot

If you want the cords they are 47, 39. that is where the chest is.

Comment by Thottbot

I was following him, after I cleared the camp and he disappeared, walked the path to his camp, but there was no sign of him. Anyone else have this issue?

Comment by Thottbot

I had the same problem! I cleared out the camp, at least near his cage. We got attacked by a crocolisk, & as soon as I killed it he vanished. Can't find him anywhere, & I still have the quest (not failed, like the first time I tried & let him die).

Comment by Thottbot

Be sure to thin out the campsite first. I let him die and now I've been sitting around for near an hour waiting for him to pop. Meanwhile I've thinned the camp several times already. they respawn very quickly.

Comment by Thottbot

Camp is exactly at 47,39

Comment by Thottbot

He respawned after a few minutes.

Comment by Thottbot

Did this as a level 38 hunter. It was a bit hairy clearing out the first camp with all the casters in the area, and they hurt. Definitely clear out first though. he has almost no armor.
Couple of notes-
1) He doesn't walk all the way to his camp. He fades out after getting through most of the area.
2) To finish the quest you just have to go open his lockbox at his camp.
3) His camp is infested with level 37-39 things. so be prepared to spend a bit cleaning out the camp.
4) If you fail the quest. ABANDON it to get him to respawn. He'll spawn again within a minute if you abandon the quest.

Comment by Thottbot

Be careful of the rift beacons when you are fighting through the camp
you may notice a magic cast on your from the riftseekers. It will summon two mobs so keep an eye on this, so that you're ready to kill them when they arrive.
They have low HP, but if you're in the middle of a fight it gets hairy.
Died using my 42 Mage.

Comment by Thottbot

have searched the swamp north of stonard and can't find anything but beasts

Comment by Thottbot

It is infact north of Stonard put your back to stonard and walk north and you'll see billowing smoke, the lock box is there but 4 gators and a cat guard it so be ready.

Comment by Thottbot

The quest begins at 65,18 where you release Galen from a cage. You will escort him south, so clear the mobs directy south of the cage before starting the quest. After walking south to the waters edge he will tell you find his strongbox located at his camp at 47,39 -then Galen disappears. The camp is marked by a tent and a smoking fire pit guarded by a few jaguars and crocs. Open the the strongbox to complete the quest.

Comment by Thottbot

Followed the directions from above, exact.

Comment by Thottbot

Thats exactly what I wanna know! I dont have any mods or anything like that, so co-ords are useless to me.
Can someone show where it is on the map?

Comment by Thottbot

After completing the escort quest, he will direct you to his camp north of Stonard. This is where the camp is. Hope this helps. :)

Comment by Thottbot

To find him follow the north road (there are only two in the swamp) and go to the very BACK of the Fallow Sanctuary village (nice place. lots of guys with glowing eyes, foul breath, and irradiated giants).
Galen's stuck in a cage, calling for help. He wants you to help his escape.
Of course once he's out he runs through the thickest group of MOBs he can find. He aggro'd 6 guys my first try. Everytime I tried to pull them off, he'd go and attack another, pulling a few more. I couldn't heal him (L45 Pali) or buff him. so let him die, abandoned quest, started again within minutes.
So. how to make it easy? Clear first couple camps on south side of road (7-8 mobs, all varieties). Be quick b/c they respawn quickly. After that he'll finally get smarter and head down by the water. Now you contend with crocolisks, the occasional Fallow (couple of the big ones too), but no more camps. He hits the road and walks rest of the way out (watch out for wandering Horde 'explorers' in area).
Once out of camp, he thanks you, tells you where to find his camp, the disappears into the swamp. To turn in quest, go to his camp (see screen shots above) and find his lockbox.
Good luck.
L45 Dw Pali, Wildhammer

Comment by Thottbot

found his lockbox but it says its covered with grime

Comment by Thottbot

Just solo'd it at level 38 mage. yeah he does run threw every lock the and there imps pretty much terr you apart. just keep close

Comment by Allakhazam

I was actually too high, the quest was green at lv42. But still it was a nice reward - 2850 exp, Alliance reputation increased by 50, 85s plus a shield which you can sell for 62s or disenchant for around 1g. Unlike what other people have said, it's definatly worth your while.

Comment by Allakhazam

For those of us who dont have cosmos or whatever:
Looking at me map, from Stonard, follow the letter R (from the word stonard) directly north. The island north of the R is where the tent is. It doesn't show anything on the map. Once you get close enough you'll see the tent and smoke. Hope this helps more than the other posts helped me.
Edited, Feb 28th 2007 8:29pm by riskicow

Comment by Allakhazam

whoever came up with this quest and programmed the NPC's path is either an absolute retard or sadistic a-hole.
really not worth it

Comment by Allakhazam

Like all escort quests, this one is stupid. Galen chooses to tromp right through the Lost One camp rather than, oh, going *around* it. Don't attempt without either a group (hard to come by in SoS) or numerous excess levels.

Comment by Allakhazam

Galen's Camp is directly north of Stonard between Stonard and the norhtern most path. It's hard to see. Head a little sw from where Golen leaves you.

Comment by Allakhazam

To be more precise, the coordinates of Galen's Strongbox is 47,39.
Edited, Sat Feb 5 00:21:22 2005

Comment by Allakhazam

Make sure to clear all those forgotten ones at the closest camp (Warlocks with imps), they will all aggro if you do not, and if you do this quest around the proper level, you are very likely to die from them.

Comment by Allakhazam

Solo'd as a 37 Mage. I didn't know which way he'd path, so failed the first time, had to run away and reset, but after that, cleared out the camp first before initiating the quest, then follow him around, never had more than two at a time. On a side note though, he doesn't stop before charging into more mobs, so bring some potions with you if you're going to do it solo.

Comment by Allakhazam

I do agree that the mobs are quite easy, but Galen kept switching targets, agroing and adding more and more mobs. At one point he drew 8 mobs to me and it was. 'interesting.'

Comment by Allakhazam

The best way to do this quest is to clear out some of the Lost Ones ahead of time. The most notable camp to clear is the one to the southwest of Galen (which generally has 2 seers and pets, and several other Lost Ones). After this camp, most of the Lost Ones that attack will be encountered singly, two at most.
The more annoying part of this quest, I felt, was that Galen (obviously, as he's just been locked up) doesn't give you the reward. You have to go hunt down his campsite north of Stronar and open a chest to recieve both the exp and the item.

Comment by Allakhazam

completed at lv40 hunter, really not all that difficult, as soon as I see the word 'escort,' i knew he was going to do something stupid like walking all up into the camp, which he did; so i save myself, and his trouble, but cleaning the camp BEFORE i talked with him. He did aggroed some crocolisks to the south side of the camp, other than that, it was a breeze.

Comment by Allakhazam

yeah i tried this as a 41 druid and almost died, had to do a quick natures swiftness or i wouldnt have made it out alive, i cleared most of the mobs beforehand as well but he pulls so dam many, i suggest u clear as many as u can and go in a big group

Comment by Allakhazam

The trouble I have isn't actually the quest. It's where the heck is his camp.

Comment by Allakhazam

The lockbox is at Galen's camp. You have to find it after you escort him. The camp is difficult to see. It is a small tent with smoke coming out of it.
It is on the larger of two islands north of Stonard, on the northern side of the island.

Enchanted Emporium Book

Comment by Allakhazam

did this quest solo lvl 40 Rogue, he is in a cage at the end of the Fallow Sanctuary which is at the end of the northern road in swamp of sorrows. My suggestion is too clear the camp closest to him especially too guys with stupid demons , the guy sucks he walks into the middle of it, i first thought he was gonna rescue the tiger in cage or something but no hes just an idiot, he will pretty much stick to the outer part after that but still kill things quickly if poss since he will die (dumb mother f)
afterwards to find his lame camp its on the island north of stonard for those with no cords basically head north of the R in stonard and u will find it on isleand just north of their

Comment by Allakhazam

His camp is at 47 , 39 standing on the lockbox

Comment by Allakhazam

47, 39 galen's strongbox.

Comment by Allakhazam

Like OOKami said, best way is to clear the camp first.
Funny thing is, we happened on this quest, killing (had 37 hunter, 38 druid and 39 hunter), and did the quest. We were en route to get the Pristine Crawler Legs for the Dustwallow Marsh quest.
So, even though it was easy to do, since the camp was pre-cleared, we had no idea where to do the turn in lol.
So, to help u find it, at the Very first FORK in the road, head NORTH, toward Fallow Sancuary.

Comment by Allakhazam

Well worth it when you come across a solid chest and find Ring of the Underwood

Comment by Allakhazam

Yeah I definitely can't find his camp, 'The swamp North of Stonard'.
Yeah thats nowhere to be seen considering the whole damn map is a swamp.
Anyone can help out with this?

Comment by Allakhazam

cash the reward at 47,39

Comment by Allakhazam

Ok here's the skinny, if you want a quick quest this ain't it, keeping this dude alive is gonna take some work, first off clearing the camp around him is a must. yes the moron walks right into the mobs while screaming 'help, me I'm under attack' (hell if I could I'd have killed him myself right then and there), but after that the pulls he has are a bit more managable. If you don't need to then don't, at this level you can get a better shield, Aegis of the Scarlet Commander for example. Overall its your choice, but do the work beforehand or you will fail.

Comment by Allakhazam

This quest is lame. HOrrible rewards and treasure and a pain in the a*s! Skip it!, especially if you're going to solo! And kill the WHOLE entire village first, otherwise the idiot NPC will engage them all and get you killed!

Comment by Allakhazam

What in the name of Yorgen are you fellas whining about? This quest is as easy as it gets.
The camp was literaly swarming with lost ones but as max I got 1 lost one and 1 lvl 39 crock on me.
Not even my pet suffered a death.
I soloed the quest and I'm a level 36 hunter. No problem at all.
Either all you guys just were unlucky or they have modified this quest on some patch.
Originaly I wouldnt do escort quests since the NPC:s are both slow and stupid but I figured id do this since I was grinding anyway.
No problem at all, so all you people who read this don't overestimate this quest.

Comment by Allakhazam

The coord are 48,40

Comment by emmaworld

escort him to 52, 29
complete at 47, 39

Comment by sawier

this guy is dumb just let him rot not worth the exp

Comment by ciddy1

This guy is stupid, takes a ton of damage, and pulls everything. He runs right through the middle of the camps, and a lot of the enemy NPCs in the area have huge aggro ranges anyway (and are casters/runners). Not worth it in my opinion.

Comment by Wimbleton

Classic Leroy Jenkins. He runs into the middle of the camp, aggroes everything in the camp and for about five miles in every direction. There'll be so much stuff flying through the air at you, it will probably damage your video card. Maybe worth doing if the reward was about 10 gold but guess what.?

Comment by Erethzium

This quest REALLY needs to be marked as Elite / Group.
The only way to possibly do it solo is to pre-clear the mobs in the camps right in front of the cages, since he likes to walk directly into the center of them and aggro everything. Clear a good 10-15 mobs and THEN start the escort.

Comment by darylcheshire

Did it on 43 lock, used succy which seduced one human whilst I killed the others or the crocs

Comment by Faent

As someone else has suggested, kill the mobs nearby him before accepting. Namely the small 'town' near his cage as the first place he walks upon accepting this quest is through there and he will pull all 3 - 5 mobs there.
If you kill those, it's fairly easy as you'll only have to deal with 1 mob at a time down by the waterside.
Also, you can't heal him in combat.

Comment by Monkzaro

This mofo pulls everything so make sure you kill them before starting the quest
Escort Galen out of danger, then find his camp in the Swamp of Sorrows and open his strongbox.
Escort Galen out of the Fallow Sanctuary. (1)


Please help! These creatures are going to eat me!
Help me out of here, and I'll give you a great treasure! It's in my camp in the swamp north of Stonard, but it's locked in a strongbox that can be opened through a trick that only I know.
If you help me escape, then I'll teach it to you.


The keyhole of this strongbox is filled with black resin. It is impossible to open.


The keyhole of this strongbox is filled with black resin. It is impossible to open.
But Galen told you of a hidden latch on the box's bottom.
.After a quick search the latch is found. The latch is flipped, and the strongbox opens.


You will receive:
Visionary Buckler


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 50 reputation with Alliance




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Esme Jessup sees dead people.

As if owning an oddities shop wasn't weird enough.

In her opinion, Mondays were for yawning, grumbling, and consuming large amounts of caffeine. Not for belligerent, blustering, redheaded spirits who won't take no for an answer. Too bad ghosts didn't give two figs about her opinion.

When local veterinarian and widower Oswald convinces her to buy a cat made of gilded macaroni, she soon regrets the purchase. Not only because the thing is uglier than a whole-wheat pancake, but because the man's dearly departed wife is attached to it. To make matters worse, the stubborn spirit says her death was no accident. And that the killer is coming after her husband next.

Which means it's up to Esme to save him.

Before it's too late. Shmup/bullet-hell | record blue mac os.

Drunk ghosts are a real pain in the afterlife.

Mostly because they can never seem to remember who murdered them.

Reluctant ghost wrangler and involuntary town eccentric Esme Jessup has priorities, and they don't include babysitting the intoxicated dead. All she wants to do is eat fried, sugary carbs at the annual fall festival. But when she spies a slurring spirit caught in the middle of two spitting-mad knitters, his pitiful plight tugs on her heartstrings. Only when he claims he's been slain by none other than a tiger, she promptly regrets her moment of weakness. Too bad she's an in-for-a-penny-in-for-a-pound kind of gal.

With the help of her boisterous beagle, Luke, Esme must set aside her funnel cake fantasies and stumble headlong into solving the muddled mystery.

Before the killer pours another round. Low resolutions mac os.

broken image